Thursday, January 23, 2014

ASP.Net Web Application Development for Ready Made Business Solution

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ASP.Net web application development is a cross platform framework of Microsoft and this is mainly used all around the globe for the purpose of web application development. This aim of this web application is to make the process of web application and desktop development easier. This platform includes the technologies like .Net Framework, the Visual Studio IDE and other server technologies. The .Net framework is created on the CLR or the Common Language Runtime and mostly this application uses the libraries of the .Net framework structure. This structure facilitates in the easy development of the web application and the development of the software and the web application development in also supports a number of programming languages like, C# .Net and J# .net. The businesses that need the .Net platform search for a number of dynamic features offered by ASP. Net framework.

These include: desktop software requirement, web based requirements, dynamic website support and many more things. Besides, the .Net framework also helps the developers and the designers to get the benefits of its dynamic and creative characteristics in the layer of the already available coding.

The key advantages of the ASP.Net web application development are:

  • This framework decreases the line of codes required to develop the large applications 
  • It is basically an ideal server-side scripting technology and this is the reason why this runs on the windows server before being displayed on the web browser. 
  • The features like per application configuration and inbuilt windows authentication keep all the applications secured. 
  • The HTML and the ASP code mix with each other perfectly in order to create some dynamic web pages. 
  • Due to the inbuilt configuration information, the Dot Net framework development is quite easy to deploy. 
  • This framework is language independent, so one can choose the programming language that suits perfectly to develop the applications. 
  • Other features of ASP. Net development like JIT compilation, easy binding, native optimization and caching services supports completely to get the high performance level.

You can learn more about the methods of web application development using and c# by logging on to

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